I try to make the way that I speak and write interesting by using strange words (like pneumonoultramicrospicsilicovolcanoconiosis(I never use that word it's just fun to write)) because I don't want to turn into modern writers who say things like LOL and ROFL or worst of all YOLO(die in a fire). In school I have heard people say that the don't know how to spell definitely or absolutely and it makes me so sad. in all of my texts I try to spell all my words out fully so that I don't get used to abbreviating things(seriously YOLOers go away).

Another depressing story that I heard recently was that there is a new definition for literally(I heard this story from the Youtuber Adoseofbuckley(he is awesome)). The first meaning is "in a literal sense or manner" which is the correct way but there is a new meaning of the word which is in "in effect". Not only stupid people are doing this either, the Merriam-Webster(c) dictionary has accepted this definition too. The English language is being literally butchered and we need to stop it. Stop saying YOLO and start saying absolutely or awesomtacular(JeremyJahns made it a thing(it's better than YOLO(a lot better))) and also start texting like a normal person instead of being lazy and abbreviating everything. May the force(of words) be with you...... That was horrible I'm sorry. let's try a better one.....ahem a YOLOer once tried to speak to me I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti. Bit better.(still need to watch that movie.)

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