Two in one week. Mind. Blown.(You're impressed too easily.)

Oh YouTube why do you always have to go and mess it up. The new YouTube comment section is just horrible. They have decided to give the people filling the most hateful cesspool on the Internet the ability to post links and no character limit. This was a
HORRIBLE IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They have managed to make the comment section even worse because now people can put up links to either viruses or if you're really unlucky some of the most disgusting things you will ever see in your life. Another horribly stupid thing they're doing is making it so you need a Google+ account to actually comment. My favorite Youtuber Nerdcubed(awesome, awesome) did a rant on this and he had the best picture up throughout the rant that perfectly sums this up. It was just the YouTube logo slowly becoming the Google+ logo. I say all YouTubers that are good should move to Blip.TV when YouTube implodes and becomes Google+2(Electric Boogaloo) so they don't lose all their money and die.....of lack of money....because that's a thing. If you can't tell why not having a character limit is a very bad thing here is what I've been seeing on every video I go to since the comment section was.......obliterated.

Adding an antique filter to illustrate how horrible this is
Etc. for like ten more screenshots

Go home YouTube you're drunk.  Get some sleep and fix yourself tomorrow.(Check out the video "My thoughts on Google+" on YouTube(soon to be Google+.) the channel is EmmaBlackery she is awesome and the song she wrote fits how I feel about this perfectly(avoid if you don't like lots and lots of cursing))

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