This was my most anticipated movie of the year and...I was really disappointed..........yeah no this was by far the best movie of the year.

    Martin Scorsese is an incredible director and it speaks volumes that two of my five favorite movies are directed by Scorsese. The Wolf of Wallstreet is the "true" tale of Jordan Belfort(Leonardo DiCaprio). He was a stockbroker in the 1990s who became unbelievably rich by selling penny stocks for worthless companies for thousands of dollars.

    This movie was absolutely hysterical! There was a certain scene in particular which I don't want to spoil here so I'll just say that he takes a drug and it has some unexpected results. The story was also really fun and it had it's highs and lows.....but mostly highs.....both happiness and drugs. While I'm talking about it this movie is VERY gratuitous in it's sex and drugs. There actually was very little violence if there was any there was just lots of nudity. So yeah play it by ear if you think that you would be okay with that.

    The performances are what really made this movie good. Don't get me wrong it's written and directed really well too, but that wouldn't mean anything without great actors backing it up. DiCaprio was great in this movie and his reactions were hilarious. Jonah Hill was also great. I need to watch some more movies of his because I wasn't really aware of this, but he's a legitimately good actor. Belfort's wife Naomi Lapaglia(Margot Robbie) was really good and I hope to see more of her soon. Pretty much all of the actors in this movie were really, really good which isn't really surprising since Scorsese can get a good performance out of anyone.

    I don't really have any problems with this movie so I guess......the review is over....yep...bye...person.

10/10 the NEW best movie of the year



Wow this movie was really, really bad. Like unbearably awful. It took source material that was good and enjoyable and made them awful and unbelievably unfunny. I can't say much about this movie. It was just Scary Movie 4.5. My review of Innappropriate Comedy will mostly apply to this. I will say that this was better than that godawful abomination of a "movie" but it was close. There were a couple cute reactions and one or two good jokes but other than that it was complete garbage. It makes me so sad to see how far Marlon Wayans has fallen. I won't even talk about the story because it basically just copy pastes scenes from Paranormal Activity, The Devil Inside, and worst of all The Exorcist and adds a "comedic" edge to it. Avoid this movie unless you are looking for an awful parody movie or you are a fan of the Scary Movie franchise. If you aren't one of those two things avoid this movie at all costs and watch Airplane or Spaceballs.

2/10 a pretty awful movie with 2/3 funny moments.

This review was a block of text because if the makers of A Haunted House didn't feel like putting anything into their movie I shouldn't put any effort into my review.


Wow! I was really surprised by this movie. All of my friends had been raving about this movie but at the same time these are the friends that like Happy Madison movies so.....yeah.

I really, really liked this movie. It is a really, really strange movie and I mean that in the best possible way. The story follows Ron Burgundy(Will Ferrell) a news anchor who is loved by all of San Diego. This movie apparently takes place sometime in the 70s/80s when all reporters and anchors were men. Then one day his world is turned upside down when a female reporter named Veronica Corningstone(Christina Applegate) joins the network.

I really only have one problem and it's that the first third is not as good as rest of the movie. Not that it's bad, just the contrary. It's still better than most comedies but I just don't think that it stands up to the rest of this hilarious, inventive movie.

I'm probably preaching to the choir with this review because pretty much everybody has seen this movie. If you haven't seen it yet I would highly reccomend it. I don't want to say much more about it because I don't want to ruin the pure spectacle of one of the great American classics.

9.5/10 the funniest comedy I've seen since Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

And since everybody has their favorites from this movie I'll mention mine. Minor spoilers ahead

Favorite character:Brick because he's freaking Brick everyone loves him.

Favorite moment:the battle because it is one of the strangest most random things I've ever seen.

And of course the one that everyone talks about! Favorite quote: *drumroll* Ron Burgundy: Wow. Never ceases to amaze me. What cologne you gonna go with? London Gentleman, or wait. No, no, no. Hold on. Blackbeard's Delight.

Brian Fantana: No, she gets a special cologne... It's called Sex Panther by Odeon. It's illegal in nine countries... Yep, it's made with bits of real panther, so you know it's good.

Ron Burgundy: It's quite pungent.

Brian Fantana: Oh yeah.

Ron Burgundy: It's a formidable scent... It stings the nostrils. In a good way.

Brian Fantana: Yep.

Ron Burgundy: Brian, I'm gonna be honest with you, that smells like pure gasoline.

Brian Fantana: They've done studies, you know. 60% of the time, it works every time.(source: IMDB)


I didn't finish this movie.....I finished movie 43 the WORST movie I have ever seen EVER. It's not that it's bad, oh don't get me wrong it's bad. The reason that I didn't finish the movie is because it was really, really boring. I would still reccomend that everyone should watch this movie just because of how silly it is. Make sure not to watch the trailer either it will ruin the magic. You don't have to finish it either there is just something in this movie that is too funny for anyone to not see.

?/10 I didn't finish it (if I ever do I might make a proper review)


    What!? He actually watches movies that aren't dark and depressing! That was actually the reaction a lot of my friends had when I told them I went to go see this movie.

    I had an excuse to go see this movie because my brother went to go see it. It was actually a good movie. Really it was just a Disney movie, that is not at all a bad thing. It was really pretty, and happy, and it was decently funny too. The comic relief characters in these movies can either make or break it, and thankfully Olaf in this movie was really good. I really only had two big problems with this movie. One of them was that I didn't think that it dark enough, and for those of you saying " it's just a kids movie" I have three words for you. The. Lion. King.

    My other problem deserves an entire paragraph because it really annoyed me. My massive problem with this movie was the singing. It was irritatingly shoved into the movie without any thought of whether it makes any sense what so ever. Many movies are like this, but it was really jarring in this because the movie is really good otherwise. there is one part that really stands out to me where one of the characters says "I'm going to say something really crazy" and then begins to sing.

    Overall this was a good movie. You already know if this is your kind of movie, but if you're like me, then maybe you might just enjoy this movie (Critic 1 is too much of a snob to go see this movie so go yell at him).                                                   7/10 Good but with a few irritatingly glaring flaws


    Alright I've downed a bottle of Xanax I think I'm ready to talk about this movie (don't do that kids).

    Out of the Furnace is the new Christian Bale movie from Scott Cooper the director of Crazy Heart.   It's about Russel Baze a working class man who works in a steel mill, who's brother Rodney(Casey Affleck) a Vietnam war veteran, gets wrapped up in a fight club. The fight club is run by Woody Harrelson who gives an amazing performance in this movie, every scene he is in is uncomfortable in a really good way. Speaking of performances pretty much all of them were really, really good. This is the first Casey Affleck movie that I've watched and this has gotten me really interested in seeing more of him. His character is a broken Vietnam veteran who owes money to John Petty (Willem Dafoe). He is fighting to make money so that he can pay him off, but he decides to join Woody Harrelson's fight club so that he can make more money, and it all goes downhill from there.

    Also do not believe the trailer for this movie, it makes it look like an action movie, but it is a slow-burn drama though and through. I got a "The Deer Hunter" vibe from this movie which is a really good thing because I love that movie.   As I said the beginning this movie is really depressing. Everything is going wrong for Christian Bale's character. I swear there was a hunting scene and I thought that the guy he was hunting with would get mauled by a bear.

    I thought the story was vey good although a lot of other reviewers would disagree. It was pretty straight forward, but it was told in a very strange way. They would during certain scenes, skip between the two brothers showing how their lives were different and I really liked that. The cinematography was also beautifully done. The mixture of the amazing music and the gorgeous shots made for a really good atmosphere.

    Even though I have been raving about this movie, and how amazing it is, it did have some flaws. While I said that I really enjoyed the story the first act was really slow and padded out. I didn't have a huge problem with that but there were definitely parts that seemed a bit pointless. This is kind of a minor story spoiler but it happens in the first 30 minutes so 3.....…...................................... 2................................................................. 1.................................................................              (spoiler parentheses on)(Christian Bales character gets in an accident and gets charged with drunk driving so he gets put in jail. The entire jail sequence was pretty pointless because his character didn't change from that experience at all. It really only gives his wife a reason to leave him for Forest Whitaker's character.).               OKAY SPOILERS OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                    Another thing is that even though he gave an amazing performance as a broken man he seriously needs to learn to anunciate. I couldn't understand what he was saying sometimes and it really annoyed me because the dialogue was amazing. Another person who spoke strangely was Forest Whitaker. He was trying to do a southern accent but.......he wasn't very good at it. There was also a very good sad scene that was completely marred because for some reason he sounded like Batman which was.........odd.

I can definitely see why some people didn't like this movie but if you have the patience, this movie is incredible and rewarding. It's really not for everyone but if you like slow-burn dramas definitely see this movie.

9/10 a slow but rewarding movie that will depress you in a really, really good way.