All right now It's time for the slightly bigger review after the not as big, big one after the big one but still not bigger than the big one before the big is getting ridiculous)

I am reviewing Halloween today because it was the day that Michael Myers escaped the mental ward(totally not because I forgot it came out on the 25th). This movie is very good and is the slasher movie that has influenced other slasher movies for years. This movie was directed by John Carpenter and was Jamie Lee Curtis's first appearance on screen. It is about her character Laurie being chased by the killer Michael Myers on Halloween, while Dr.Loomis(Donald Pleasence) tries to find Michael. Halloween does tension well by having things that it doesn't force you to notice but they are very creepy if you do.

It has some of the problems that many slasher movies have like the annoying teenage girls and the improbable(but cool) kills but I still love this movie. It doesn't overdo the gore, there is actually very little blood in this movie. It isn't a very scary movie but it does have some very tense scenes especially the final one. I would reccomend this movie to anyone who likes slasher movies or horror movies in general.                                                8/10 one of the most influential slasher movies ever made                  P.S this movie managed to make a William Shatner mask scary that has to count for something right?


Okay here is the big one after the big one that is slightly less big than the big one before this big one. This movie was directed by M.Night Shaymalan before the.....dark times. This is one of the most recognizable movies Shaymalan made and has created a catchphrase that even I am guilty of using "I see dead people". Bruce Willis, and Haley Joel Osment were both very, very good this movie and it was made by the man who made Mark Wahlberg bad. It also has a great atmosphere created by the man who made The Last Airbender. It ALSO has an amazing twist ending sort of unfortunately because it caused him to make more movies with twists that were getting worse and worse(the grass did it). The last decent movie that Shaymalan made was Devil and that was DECENT AT BEST. However he also made The Happening, and The Last Airbender. Watch this movie but I would recommend avoiding any other movie by Shaymalan except for Devil, signs, and maybe Unstoppable (I haven't seen it but I've heard good things). Don't let his other movies stop you from watching this movie because this movie is an amazing story with one of Shaymalans only good twists.                                 9.5/10 a good M.Night Shaymalan movie (SHOCK!!!)


Okay here is the big one before the big one, one of my favorite movies ever made. Psycho was directed by Alfred Hitchcock who I consider a god amongst men. This movie is about Marion Crane(Janet Leigh) who takes money that was given to her by her boss to deposit in the bank and runs. She gets caught in a storm and has to stop for the night at the Bates Motel(great show(the review is up now)) which is run by Norman Bates(Anthony Perkins)and His mother. They do not seem to have a very good relationship but Norman stays with her because she is very sick. Norman is a socially akward man who does taxidermy as a hobby so his animals are his few friends. Ok kind of spoiler alert here even though you probably know this since it is the most famous scene in a movie ever but.                   *Norman kills Marion in the shower then the movie turns into a mystery film about Marion's sister and a detective trying to figure out who killed her.*               This movie is amazing and is a movie that any film buff should see.     10/10 the best thriller I have ever seen.       Okay spoiler time click away right now if you have not seen this movie because you will be ruining one of the best twist endings ever written........ Everyone gone, okay so in the end we learn that Norman killed his mother because he felt shunned when she found a new boyfriend and begins to ignore Norman. He keeps her corpse in the basement and keeps the door locked so that no one can see what he has done. Here's where it gets really disturbing, Norman has a split personality with part of him being himself and part of him is his mother. Whenever he is attracted to a woman his mothers persona is awakened and he kills her because "she" doesn't want anything getting in the way of her and her son. This leads to one of the most haunting moments in movie history, when they have him in custody a fly lands on his hand and in his head in his mothers voice he thinks " It's sad, when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son. But I couldn't allow them to believe that I would commit murder. They'll put him away now, as I should have years ago. He was always bad, and in the end he intended to tell them I killed those girls and that man... as if I could do anything but just sit and stare, like one of his stuffed birds. They know I can't move a finger, and I won't. I'll just sit here and be quiet, just in case they do... suspect me. They're probably watching me. Well, let them. Let them see what kind of a person I am. I'm not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching... they'll see. They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, "Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly...".(source IMDB) I love that quote almost as much as I love this movie and I think that anyone who has seen this movie will agree that it is a masterpiece of filmmaking.


The Ring is an American horror movie in the style of a Japanese horror movie about a woman who finds a VHS tape (a what?) that has horrifying images of a girl who drowned in a well, and then she gets a phone call in which a mysterious woman utters one of the most over quoted lines in horror movie history right next to "here's Johnny"; "seven days". She eventually realizes that this means that the malevolent spirit of the girl who died in the well is going to come and kill her in "seven days". This movie creates a very grim atmosphere by diluting all of the colors and showing characters dying to Samara and having no chance to actually stop her as Rachel(Naomi Watts)searches for the way to stop Samara from killing her in "seven days" (hey everyone else says of nonstop why shouldn't I(if it seems like I'm harping on this.......I am…but it's well deserved)). I love Asian horror movies they are always terrifying but this one didn't get to me nearly as much as other ones. This movie is also has a few jumpscares which just comes with the territory when making a horror movie but it diminishes it a bit for me. Overall though this movie is tense, terrifying, and kept me wondering right to the end whether Rachel would die, or stop Samara and live on to tell the tale.                                9.5/10 Terrifying


This movie is so very cool. It is my favorite vampire movie ever made. These aren't pretty boy Twilight vampires either, they're violent bloodthirsty monsters who like to party, and hang off of bridges. This movie is very, very 80s but that is just adding to the awesomeness. All of the characters dress up like they stole from Michael Jackson's wardrobe, and they are just as strange (R.I.P.). This movie is very entertaining andnear the end gets VERY VIOLENT! It is the best vampire movie ever made and it has a hilarious twist ending that you won't see coming until it walks up and sprays you with a holy water, onion juice combo from a Super Soaker(c)(don't have a real copyright thingamajigger)

10/10 The most 80s vampire movie ever.


Ah the found footage movie. There have been dozens made but very few have been done good. This and chronicle are the only ones that I have actually enjoyed. It would be a great movie if it didn't have the found footage gimmick. With it in though the boyfriend is completely unlikeable because even when his girlfriend tells him to get rid of the camera he still keeps filming so we can still see what is happening. I will be giving the rating now because I need to get into spoilers.                                                 9/10 very good                                          Ok spoiler time because I need to talk about this. Spoilers in 5.............................,................................. 4.....………….….…………………….……..3................................................................2................................................................1................................................................ Ok spoiler time. At the end when she is possessed by the demon and kills her boyfriend she jumps towards the camera so that there can be sequels but there was another ending that they originally chose. In the original ending she killed him and then sat there until the cops came. Think it was Micah she runs at them still holding a knife and they then shoot her. I personally like that ending way better than the crappy jump scare one and I think that the movie as a whole would have been much better without three soon to be four sequels that just muddy up the story. I still enjoy the movie series but right around #4 I just stopped caring.                                                Alternate ending rating 9.5/10 Very good with a satisfying conclusion that raps up the movie very nicely.


Everybody has been saying that this movie is terrifying, and one of the scariest movies they've ever seen; so what do I think of it?            Building.                         Tension.                Lots.                            Of.               Tension.                                  I thought it was HILARIOUS! I don't see how everyone thought this movie was so scary, it was so silly and generic. You cannot say you didn't laugh at least a little when that girl was getting dragged around the room by her hair. Am I messed up(yes, yes I am(but I'm cool with that)). This movie is about a family who moves into a house and it is haunted... Oh and it's based on a true story (sound familiar yet: Amityville Horror). I will admit the beginning was pretty scary until I went home did some research and learned that Annabelle was a Raggedy Ann doll. The movie was still very good and I was invested in it but I couldn't take it very seriously because if how many horror movies I've seen, and all the cliches I saw in it. I would recommend watching this movie if you are looking for a good laugh but don't want to watch The Worlds End. beware if you don't watch many horror movies this movie could actually scare you because you won't see quite how silly it is.                                                        9/10 hilarious          


I know, I know it's a bit late *cough23dayscough* but I'm going to be doing a countdown of horror movies that I love culminating in the scariest movie I've ever seen. My first review will be the single most confusing movie I've ever seen; The Shining. It is about Jack played by Jack Nicholson(the scariest man who ever lived), a recovering alcoholic who is applying to be the maintenance man at the Overlook hotel during the winter. It is directed by Stanley Kubrick. I haven't watched any of his other movies(please don't kill me) but after watching this I am very interested in them. This movie is a slow burn but it builds up tension and a great atmosphere..... Before going completely balls to the wall crazy(man in the bear suit). It is very creepy and super trippy. I've heard things about the hotel being impossible and people just teleporting around the hotel. I would recommend watching this movie if you haven't seen it (which I doubt if you're enough of a movie nerd to be reading this review). If you want some kind of criticism I guess the beginning is a bit boring but that is just setting up the atmosphere and showing Jack's descent into madness. Oh and the kid is psychic that's kind of important.                                              9/10 the trippiest movie I've ever seen


This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Throughout this entire movie there is one good joke the rest of them are either racist, homophobic, anti Semitic or all three in one steaming ball of stinking hate and bigotry. I don't think that this is worse than movie 43 though because at least it had one good joke(this joke shall remain unnamed). Avoid this movie at all costs. Don't watch it even if you are payed to. This movie is actually actively making you stupider. If I didn't have a nice sexy Alfred Hitchcock collection box set to hold onto I may have given up on film as a medium altogether.                                    1/10 a waste of space on any movie shelf!


When I said that Cabin In The Woods wasn't the scariest movie to come out in the last 5 years this is the movie that is, although it's more like 7 years since the Grudge came out. It stars Ethan Hawk as a down on his luck true crime novelist who has moved into a house where a family was murdered and then the little girl went missing. His wife is played by Juliet Rylance and his kids are played by Michael D'Addrio and Clare Foley. This movie is terrifying and it is the first movie to make me scared to turn off the lights in a long time. It's about Ethan Hawk finding a box of super eight films containing the grisly murders of families. It begins to spiral out of control as his obsession with finding a story begins to tear his family apart at the seams. This movie does horror very well by not making it in your face it creates a good atmosphere and does subtle things to scare you. It helps that Ethan Hawk is great in this movie and you really get the feeling that he is terrified. It does have a few jump scares which brings it down a bit but it is overall terrifying and very entertaining.                                                                                      9/10 terrifying