I know, I know it's a bit late *cough23dayscough* but I'm going to be doing a countdown of horror movies that I love culminating in the scariest movie I've ever seen. My first review will be the single most confusing movie I've ever seen; The Shining. It is about Jack played by Jack Nicholson(the scariest man who ever lived), a recovering alcoholic who is applying to be the maintenance man at the Overlook hotel during the winter. It is directed by Stanley Kubrick. I haven't watched any of his other movies(please don't kill me) but after watching this I am very interested in them. This movie is a slow burn but it builds up tension and a great atmosphere..... Before going completely balls to the wall crazy(man in the bear suit). It is very creepy and super trippy. I've heard things about the hotel being impossible and people just teleporting around the hotel. I would recommend watching this movie if you haven't seen it (which I doubt if you're enough of a movie nerd to be reading this review). If you want some kind of criticism I guess the beginning is a bit boring but that is just setting up the atmosphere and showing Jack's descent into madness. Oh and the kid is psychic that's kind of important.                                              9/10 the trippiest movie I've ever seen

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