When I said that Cabin In The Woods wasn't the scariest movie to come out in the last 5 years this is the movie that is, although it's more like 7 years since the Grudge came out. It stars Ethan Hawk as a down on his luck true crime novelist who has moved into a house where a family was murdered and then the little girl went missing. His wife is played by Juliet Rylance and his kids are played by Michael D'Addrio and Clare Foley. This movie is terrifying and it is the first movie to make me scared to turn off the lights in a long time. It's about Ethan Hawk finding a box of super eight films containing the grisly murders of families. It begins to spiral out of control as his obsession with finding a story begins to tear his family apart at the seams. This movie does horror very well by not making it in your face it creates a good atmosphere and does subtle things to scare you. It helps that Ethan Hawk is great in this movie and you really get the feeling that he is terrified. It does have a few jump scares which brings it down a bit but it is overall terrifying and very entertaining.                                                                                      9/10 terrifying

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