All right now It's time for the slightly bigger review after the not as big, big one after the big one but still not bigger than the big one before the big is getting ridiculous)

I am reviewing Halloween today because it was the day that Michael Myers escaped the mental ward(totally not because I forgot it came out on the 25th). This movie is very good and is the slasher movie that has influenced other slasher movies for years. This movie was directed by John Carpenter and was Jamie Lee Curtis's first appearance on screen. It is about her character Laurie being chased by the killer Michael Myers on Halloween, while Dr.Loomis(Donald Pleasence) tries to find Michael. Halloween does tension well by having things that it doesn't force you to notice but they are very creepy if you do.

It has some of the problems that many slasher movies have like the annoying teenage girls and the improbable(but cool) kills but I still love this movie. It doesn't overdo the gore, there is actually very little blood in this movie. It isn't a very scary movie but it does have some very tense scenes especially the final one. I would reccomend this movie to anyone who likes slasher movies or horror movies in general.                                                8/10 one of the most influential slasher movies ever made                  P.S this movie managed to make a William Shatner mask scary that has to count for something right?

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