Okay here is the big one before the big one, one of my favorite movies ever made. Psycho was directed by Alfred Hitchcock who I consider a god amongst men. This movie is about Marion Crane(Janet Leigh) who takes money that was given to her by her boss to deposit in the bank and runs. She gets caught in a storm and has to stop for the night at the Bates Motel(great show(the review is up now)) which is run by Norman Bates(Anthony Perkins)and His mother. They do not seem to have a very good relationship but Norman stays with her because she is very sick. Norman is a socially akward man who does taxidermy as a hobby so his animals are his few friends. Ok kind of spoiler alert here even though you probably know this since it is the most famous scene in a movie ever but.                   *Norman kills Marion in the shower then the movie turns into a mystery film about Marion's sister and a detective trying to figure out who killed her.*               This movie is amazing and is a movie that any film buff should see.     10/10 the best thriller I have ever seen.       Okay spoiler time click away right now if you have not seen this movie because you will be ruining one of the best twist endings ever written........ Everyone gone, okay so in the end we learn that Norman killed his mother because he felt shunned when she found a new boyfriend and begins to ignore Norman. He keeps her corpse in the basement and keeps the door locked so that no one can see what he has done. Here's where it gets really disturbing, Norman has a split personality with part of him being himself and part of him is his mother. Whenever he is attracted to a woman his mothers persona is awakened and he kills her because "she" doesn't want anything getting in the way of her and her son. This leads to one of the most haunting moments in movie history, when they have him in custody a fly lands on his hand and in his head in his mothers voice he thinks " It's sad, when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son. But I couldn't allow them to believe that I would commit murder. They'll put him away now, as I should have years ago. He was always bad, and in the end he intended to tell them I killed those girls and that man... as if I could do anything but just sit and stare, like one of his stuffed birds. They know I can't move a finger, and I won't. I'll just sit here and be quiet, just in case they do... suspect me. They're probably watching me. Well, let them. Let them see what kind of a person I am. I'm not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching... they'll see. They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, "Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly...".(source IMDB) I love that quote almost as much as I love this movie and I think that anyone who has seen this movie will agree that it is a masterpiece of filmmaking.

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