Everybody has been saying that this movie is terrifying, and one of the scariest movies they've ever seen; so what do I think of it?            Building.                         Tension.                Lots.                            Of.               Tension.                                  I thought it was HILARIOUS! I don't see how everyone thought this movie was so scary, it was so silly and generic. You cannot say you didn't laugh at least a little when that girl was getting dragged around the room by her hair. Am I messed up(yes, yes I am(but I'm cool with that)). This movie is about a family who moves into a house and it is haunted... Oh and it's based on a true story (sound familiar yet: Amityville Horror). I will admit the beginning was pretty scary until I went home did some research and learned that Annabelle was a Raggedy Ann doll. The movie was still very good and I was invested in it but I couldn't take it very seriously because if how many horror movies I've seen, and all the cliches I saw in it. I would recommend watching this movie if you are looking for a good laugh but don't want to watch The Worlds End. beware if you don't watch many horror movies this movie could actually scare you because you won't see quite how silly it is.                                                        9/10 hilarious          

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