Ah the found footage movie. There have been dozens made but very few have been done good. This and chronicle are the only ones that I have actually enjoyed. It would be a great movie if it didn't have the found footage gimmick. With it in though the boyfriend is completely unlikeable because even when his girlfriend tells him to get rid of the camera he still keeps filming so we can still see what is happening. I will be giving the rating now because I need to get into spoilers.                                                 9/10 very good                                          Ok spoiler time because I need to talk about this. Spoilers in 5.............................,................................. 4.....………….….…………………….……..3................................................................2................................................................1................................................................ Ok spoiler time. At the end when she is possessed by the demon and kills her boyfriend she jumps towards the camera so that there can be sequels but there was another ending that they originally chose. In the original ending she killed him and then sat there until the cops came. Think it was Micah she runs at them still holding a knife and they then shoot her. I personally like that ending way better than the crappy jump scare one and I think that the movie as a whole would have been much better without three soon to be four sequels that just muddy up the story. I still enjoy the movie series but right around #4 I just stopped caring.                                                Alternate ending rating 9.5/10 Very good with a satisfying conclusion that raps up the movie very nicely.

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