The Ring is an American horror movie in the style of a Japanese horror movie about a woman who finds a VHS tape (a what?) that has horrifying images of a girl who drowned in a well, and then she gets a phone call in which a mysterious woman utters one of the most over quoted lines in horror movie history right next to "here's Johnny"; "seven days". She eventually realizes that this means that the malevolent spirit of the girl who died in the well is going to come and kill her in "seven days". This movie creates a very grim atmosphere by diluting all of the colors and showing characters dying to Samara and having no chance to actually stop her as Rachel(Naomi Watts)searches for the way to stop Samara from killing her in "seven days" (hey everyone else says of nonstop why shouldn't I(if it seems like I'm harping on this.......I am…but it's well deserved)). I love Asian horror movies they are always terrifying but this one didn't get to me nearly as much as other ones. This movie is also has a few jumpscares which just comes with the territory when making a horror movie but it diminishes it a bit for me. Overall though this movie is tense, terrifying, and kept me wondering right to the end whether Rachel would die, or stop Samara and live on to tell the tale.                                9.5/10 Terrifying

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