Okay here is the big one after the big one that is slightly less big than the big one before this big one. This movie was directed by M.Night Shaymalan before the.....dark times. This is one of the most recognizable movies Shaymalan made and has created a catchphrase that even I am guilty of using "I see dead people". Bruce Willis, and Haley Joel Osment were both very, very good this movie and it was made by the man who made Mark Wahlberg bad. It also has a great atmosphere created by the man who made The Last Airbender. It ALSO has an amazing twist ending sort of unfortunately because it caused him to make more movies with twists that were getting worse and worse(the grass did it). The last decent movie that Shaymalan made was Devil and that was DECENT AT BEST. However he also made The Happening, and The Last Airbender. Watch this movie but I would recommend avoiding any other movie by Shaymalan except for Devil, signs, and maybe Unstoppable (I haven't seen it but I've heard good things). Don't let his other movies stop you from watching this movie because this movie is an amazing story with one of Shaymalans only good twists.                                 9.5/10 a good M.Night Shaymalan movie (SHOCK!!!)

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