What!? He actually watches movies that aren't dark and depressing! That was actually the reaction a lot of my friends had when I told them I went to go see this movie.

    I had an excuse to go see this movie because my brother went to go see it. It was actually a good movie. Really it was just a Disney movie, that is not at all a bad thing. It was really pretty, and happy, and it was decently funny too. The comic relief characters in these movies can either make or break it, and thankfully Olaf in this movie was really good. I really only had two big problems with this movie. One of them was that I didn't think that it dark enough, and for those of you saying " it's just a kids movie" I have three words for you. The. Lion. King.

    My other problem deserves an entire paragraph because it really annoyed me. My massive problem with this movie was the singing. It was irritatingly shoved into the movie without any thought of whether it makes any sense what so ever. Many movies are like this, but it was really jarring in this because the movie is really good otherwise. there is one part that really stands out to me where one of the characters says "I'm going to say something really crazy" and then begins to sing.

    Overall this was a good movie. You already know if this is your kind of movie, but if you're like me, then maybe you might just enjoy this movie (Critic 1 is too much of a snob to go see this movie so go yell at him).                                                   7/10 Good but with a few irritatingly glaring flaws

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