Wow and to think just 3 days ago I said 12 Years a Slave couldn't be topped.

Dallas Buyers Club is the incredible true story of Ron Woodroof(Matthew McConaughey). A homophobic, womanizing, alcoholic, drug addict from Texas(he seems like a real nice guy, huh?), who gets AIDS. This isn't as much a story about him living with AIDS, it's more about him learning to accept all people, and help people to help people, not make money, and him fighting the FDA. Jared Leto plays Rayon or Raymond a cross dresser and drug addict, who Ron meets while in the hospital and slowly becomes friends with after immediately not liking him because he's gay and a cross dresser. this movie mostly focuses on his struggle to get drugs that actually combat AIDS into hospitals instead of drugs the FDA was payed to put in hospitals.

All of the performances in this movie are incredible. This is by far my favorite Jared Leto performance and he was in Fight Club(the best movie ever,ever). This is partially a feel-good movie and partially a depressing look into how people actually treat homosexuals even today. This is probably the closest I have ever been to crying during a movie. The performances are so incredible that I didn't see Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto, I saw Ron Woodroof and Rayon. When they were crying I believed that they were crying, and when they were friends I believed that they were actually friends(not to say Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto hate each other). If anything you should go see this movie because Matthew McConaughey(getting really tired of typing that) and Jared Leto starved themselves to be skinny for this movie.

The cinematography in this movie is beautiful. The director didn't use any artificial light which gives the movie a dirty, grimy look that fits the atmosphere(there's that word again) perfectly. Beware to any kids reading this review, this movie is very awkward to see with parents, because there is a lot of nudity, sex, and language. And you are forced to look at Matthew McCjdosnfiebd's butt.

Once again my only problem with this movie is the people in the theater with me. The people behind me in the theater were laughing whenever a gay person was made fun of, but no time besides that, especially if it was beneficial for someone who isn't straight. Why do all of the best movies have the worst audiences. Rush was another great movie with a terrible audience. In that movie the lady next to me was on her phone the whole movie, and someone laughed during one of the most intense scenes in the movie. So yeah all homophobes don't go see this movie and ruin it for all of the normal, decent, kind, NOT EVIL PEOPLE.....if you can't tell I hate homophobes.

10/10 the new best movie of the year!(yay)

But seriously STUPID, EVIL, homophobes don't watch this movie in the theater. You should however watch it on blu-ray and maybe it will teach you to feel empathy LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!

(If anyone ever is reading this, comment and tell me if my reviews are getting boring because I'm being so positive.)

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