This has been my first year of really getting into film and it's payed off in the large amount of incredible movies I saw this year.   Because of that making this list was really difficult.  I had 20 movies that I really enjoyed this year,so to make this list I had  to get rid of half the movies that I loved.
    Since it's really unlikely that you have the same opinion as me.  This list is my OPINION this OPINION will most likely be different from your OPINION but that is why I am saying that it's an OPINION...........*ahem* OPINION OPINION OPI-INI-INION OPINION OPINION OPINION OPI-NION.

#10. Out of the Furnace

It hurts me to put this movie so low on the list, but that speaks volumes for how good this year was for movies.  A lot of people said that this movie was boring, and to those people I say......nothing because they probably wouldn't be able to pay attention long enough to make it to the end of the sentence.  All of the performances in this movie were incredible and I cared about every character in the movie.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a great drama that might be a bit slower than your common movie.  Happy Madison crowd beware.

#9. Elysium

And now on the complete opposite end of the spectrum...Elysium!  This was the new movie from Neill Blomkamp the director of District 9.  I wasn't expecting much from the trailers and I was pleasently surprised to say the least!  Elysium was action-packed and had an interesting story delivered by great actors. 

 I would recommend this to anyone who enjoys an action movies or sci-fi films with great stories. Whoa (5 awesome points if you get the reference)

#8. Pacific Rim

AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME, AWESOME AWESOME......AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME, AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME.  AWESOME..........Ok I'll calm down and actually talk about the movie.  Objectively Pacific Rim didn't have a great story but frankly I couldn't care less, it was the most fun I've ever had at the movies!  Really the only reason it's this low is that it's not nearly as good on Blu-Ray as it was in the theaters. 

I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes fun! So not critic 1.

#7. The World's End

British comedy is by far my favorite type of comedy because it's so dry and sarcastic and that's exactly what this movie is.  Simon Pegg and Nick Frost were both hilarious in this movie as were the other people who I can't remember the names of.  I need to watch more of the Cornetto trilogy to see if they make this movie even funnier than it already is.

I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys British comedy.  Movies with one British guy don't count....I'm looking at you Happy Madison crowd.

#6. American Hustle

American Hustle was such a great movie and it had some of the best dialogue I've heard in a movie this year.  All of the actors in this movie were having so much fun, especially Jennifer Lawrence.  She was just as great as she is in all of her movies and really, in real life.  The story was also  really fun and according to the beginning of the movie some of it happened. 

I would recommend it to anyone who likes movies about conmen. with some true parts apparently.

#5. Gravity

This movie was incredibly intense.  I was on the edge of my seat throughout the entire movie.  Sandra Bullock and George Clooney both gave incredible performances and that mixed with the unbelievable CGI it really gave a feeling of being in space. I'm really preaching to the choir with this one because most people went to go see this movie but if you didn't.....STOP READING THIS AND GO WATCH IT RIGHT NOW!  THIS LIST ISN'T EVEN THAT GREAT JUST GO!  GO!(PLEASE DON'T GO) GO! 

I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys movies that keep you on the edge of your seat.......IIIIIIIINNNNNNN SPAAAAAACCCCCE!

#4. Rush

This was the movie that got me interested in F1 racing....for a couple hours but still I absolutely loved everything about this movie.  It was an adult drama despite what the trailers would have you believe, but it did have the intense racing that they showed in all the trailers.  The drama was intense,  all the racing scenes were beautiful, and all of the characters were really likeable.  The characters being likeable led to the aspect of this movie that I really liked, the fact that neither of the racers were the villain you found yourself rooting for each of them throughout the movie. 

I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys racing movies or dramas with really likeable characters (maybe too likeable(dundun dun duuuuuun))

#3. 12 Years a Slave

This was the true story of Solomon Northup a  free African-American man who was captured and sold into slavery.  This movie stuck with me for weeks and I still think about it from time to time.  It was VERY hard to watch, but I would still recommend it to anyone.  Chiwetel Ejiofor gave an amazing performance under the incredible direction of Steve McQueen, who set up some of the most beautiful shots I've ever seen. 

I would recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a historical drama.
  No joke for this one because this movie is too serious (massa) dang, couldn't escape making a roots reference.

#2. Dallas Buyers Club

Dallas Buyers Club was the most heartfelt movie that I've seen this year.  Matthew McConaughey gave an amazing performance as Ron Woodroof.  Jared Leto was even better as Rayon and he didn't play her stereotypically at all.  The movie also had a great message about accepting all people for who they are.  The story was compelling and I found myself rooting for a homophobic womanizing Texan which is a real challenge.

I would recommend this movie to anybody who isn't a STUPID FREAKING HOMOPHOBE!!!!........RRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAARRRRRR!!!!!!!!

#1. The Wolf of Wallstreet

*Trumpets!*THE WOLF OF WALLSTREET!!!!*More trumpets!*....!!!!!!  This was without a doubt the best movie of the year.  Dallas Buyers Club and 12 Years a Slave were both incredible but they don't come even close to this masterpiece.  It was the funniest movie I saw this year and one of the most dramatic movies of the year at the same time.  Throughout the course of the movie you saw the character of Jordan Belfort go from the highest of highs to the lowest of lows throughout the course of this admittedly stupidly long movie.  No matter how long it was, it was always entertaining!  I loved this movie and I will be so angry if Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't get an Oscar for his amazing performance in this movie.

I would recommend this movie to anybody.......yeah just anybody.

Sorry that this review was so late but these lists are actually hard to make.....and I procrastinated a lot.  My top ten worst list will hopefully be finished by next week (maybe).

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