I've been trying to watch some Martin Scorsese movies in anticipation of The Wolf of Wallstreet, and I've already watched Shutter Island which I will review eventually, but I'm going to start with this movie.

Wow! Now I see why critic 1 loves Leonardo Dicaprio. He plays Billy Costigan, an undercover cop in the mafia, trying to arrest Frank Costello(Jack Nicholson). He is being controlled by his handlers Captain Queenan(Martin Sheen) and Seargent Dingam("Marky" Mark Wahlberg). Costello also has a rat in the police named Colin Sullivan(Matt Damon). So yeah this is a star studded movie and all of them deliver incredible performances. I was on the edge of my seat this entire movie because both Sullivan, and Costello were just on the verge of being caught at all times.

Scorsese just has the touch of gold when it comes to making mysteries involving the mafia. The dialogue, acting, cinematography, and story were all incredible. So this movie was pretty much perfect. There was not a single moment in it when I was bored so I would reccomend this movie to anyone who likes mysteries, or even just movies with amazing dialogue.   This is not a film for the Transformers crowd (even though it's a guilty pleasure for me(Transformers not The Departed))                                             10/10 one of the best, most entertaining movies I've ever watched!


    Wow that was brutal and I am completely and utterly speechless. I saw this movie almost a week ago and I still can't stop thinking about it. This was by far the best movie of the year and everybody needs to watch it to see the injustice of those times. Anyone can watch and enjoy this movie, although they may not be able to watch the whole thing.

    This movie centers around Solomon Northup(Chiwetel Ejiofor) who is a free man that was drugged and sold into slavery while his wife and kids are gone. He is first sold to Ford(Benedict Cumberbatch) who is a bad person because he's a slave owner, but for a slave owner he's okay. He has a second in command played by Seth from Looper who hates Solomon because of how well he is treated. There is not a single bad performance in this movie, even the bit characters who are only in the movie for 10 minutes.

    The insane thing about this movie is that all of this happened. It is based off of a book written by Solomon. It is disturbing how little remorse they have for other humans. They don't even consider them people they think of them as property. They will punish and kill them without a second thought because they know they won't be sent to jail, since slaves are considered property.   I felt dirty after seeing this but I felt dirty in a very good way.

    It's also very well shot, even when there is nothing happening on screen it is still engrossing because of how beautifully done the shot is. I really have only one problem and it doesn't have to do with the movies. It's that behind me there were three of the most obnoxious people I have ever had to watch a movie with. They were talking and laughing during the very intense scenes while everyone else was completely silent, engrossed in this masterpiece of a film. It's a testament to how good this movie is, that near the end of the movie one of them shushed one of the others when they were trying to talk. I will give two of them a pass because they were young, and immature but their dad was also talking and joking around so I won't give him a pass. At one point he practically yells out "what did she do to her" in response to a scene I won't talk about.

    This is the best movie of the year so far narrowly beating out Rush.            10/10 the best, most intense movie to come out this year.

    Hopefully the Wolf of Wallstreet (my most anticipated movie of the year) is even better than this. Although I'm not sure if anything can outdo this, and that is a really good thing


    This was my first Quentin Tarantino movie and now my social life will begin to imitate a slow motion car crash as I begin my quest to watch all of his movies ever(yeah I called it a quest what are you gonna do about it?).

    So yeah I REALLY liked these movies. The reason that I am reviewing them together is because they are meant to be watched one right after the other. Thankfully I got the 2 pack blu-ray(jealous?). So these movies are excellent but not for the squeamish people(weaklings) among us. The first one is one of the most fantastically bloody movies that I have ever seen. If people in this universe got a paper cut anyone near them would be soaked in a bloody mist.....that is a VERY GOOD THING!!! The blood isn't the only thing good about this franchise either unlike some movies*coughSAWcough* they are also really funny and they have a really good story and great cinematography.

     I'll start the review with the first one as you do. Kill bill is about a woman called the Bride played by Uma Thurman who on her wedding day was shot and put into a coma so she wants to well, kill Bill. This movie is done in an anime style which is what makes it so fantastically bloody and ridiculous. Before she kills Bill she also wants to take out the four members of the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad who took part in the killing of her. There are 2 members that play big parts in this movie those 2 being Vernita Green(Vivica A. Fox) and O-Ren Ishii(Lucy Liu). All of the characters in this movie are entertaining and incredibly well acted even bit characters like the sheriff(who has one of the best sight gags in the movie). Speaking of the comedy this movie is hilarious. The very beginning of the movie pretty much sets the tone when ""revenge is a dish best served cold." An ancient Klingon proverb" comes up on screen.   These will both be short-ish reviews because I don't want to spoil these awesomtacular movies but just let it be known that this is an amazing movie with great action, hilarious comedy, and of course lots and lots of the red joy juice(I'm not a serial killer I swear.). My only problem with this movie is that the beginning is a bit slow but it's packed with funny dialogue and is setting up the character of the bride so I mostly forgive it.                                                          9.5/10 One of the coolest action movies that I have ever seen.

    Vol.2 is a lot less bloody(aw man) but it is still really good with some great dialogue(yay). It is done more like a western mixed with a Kung Fu movie. I don't have more to say about this movie because the plot is pretty much the same except they switched in some new characters and added in a great twist ending and some more awesome dialogue. That is not at all a bad thing either because it's a sequel to an awesome movie that changes things for the better but also just adds more.       10/10 an amazing movie jam packed with cool dialogue, great action, and an awesome story

    And now there's a teaser trailer for Kill bill 3 which I have seen some great alternate titles for like killed Bill and (redacted for spoilerish reasons) so. Yay!        





..............Why....just why. This movie is just....uh. Sorry I need to compose myself.

Okay let's get started. I just recently read the book that this movie is based on, and this movie absolutely tore this book apart, then super glued random pieces of paper together and said "here's the script, work with it". The book is a masterpiece and it delves into the psychology of these children who have been put into a high stress situation. The movie however practically jingles keys in front of the faces of all of the people watching only occasionally pausing to say "ooooh we're serious and this is all sad you can tell by the music.....keys, keys look at the pretty keys".

It is so very rushed. There are massive plotpoints that are either glanced over or even just scrapped. Asa Butterfield is not good as Ender either. He is just boring although I'm not sure whether it's his acting or the script. The only person who I thought was actually decent was Harrison Ford as Colonel Graff and that is only because well he's Harrison Ford. If this movie wasn't trying to be the next Harry Potter and instead tried to go for a Quentin Tarantino type movie by making it rated R and showing the gritty violence that was in the book but of course they need more MONEY.   I can't believe how much this amazing story was messed up and rushed and I can't even be mad any more I just don't have the energy(it's late as I'm writing this).

I have been a bit very hard on this movie and for very good reason but if you haven't read the book then this movie could be enjoyable but I was VERY disappointed in this movie that I was hoping would be as good as the book. If you aren't lazy i would reccomend reading the book instead of watching the movie. 2/10 ruining a classic story.

Side note: You may have heard the news about Orson Scott Card being a massive disgusting homophobe. I am just as disgusted by this as you hopefully are but don't worry he will not be making any money off of the movie. If you want to read the book I would reccomend either borrowing it from a friend or a library but if you can't you could probably still get the book because the profits from it are only about 0.01% of his painfully large amount of money. Still if you can don't give him any of your hard earned money that he can put towards hate, and bigotry.


And now, drumroll please....... No ok. It's the big one(no more I promise). The grudge is a terrifying movie that is an American remake of the Japanes movie Ju-on. The original is supposed to be much scarier but I am much too lazy to read subtitles.

The Grudge is the scariest movie that I have ever seen for a very good reason. It has an atmosphere(the buzzword of the month) of despair and helplessness because there is no way to escape the ghost. Another thing that makes this movie terrifying is that there are no breaks. In most horror movies the day is safe and a break from the terror but in this movie there is no break the ghost can get to you at anytime of the day.

I don't want to say much else because this is a movie to be experienced so I will wrap up the review here. This movie is terrifying and managed to put one of my friends(what! He has friends(yes I have friends(jerk)))off of horror movies forever. If you are a big horror movie fan you should definitely watch this, but if you aren't you should probably work your way up to it or else you will end up like my friend scared of his own shadow(please don't break my legs anonymous friend(do I use parentheses too often(yes))).                                              10/10 the most horrifyingly, nightmare inducingly, terrifyingly, scary movie I have ever seen.


All right now It's time for the slightly bigger review after the not as big, big one after the big one but still not bigger than the big one before the big one.......one(this is getting ridiculous)

I am reviewing Halloween today because it was the day that Michael Myers escaped the mental ward(totally not because I forgot it came out on the 25th). This movie is very good and is the slasher movie that has influenced other slasher movies for years. This movie was directed by John Carpenter and was Jamie Lee Curtis's first appearance on screen. It is about her character Laurie being chased by the killer Michael Myers on Halloween, while Dr.Loomis(Donald Pleasence) tries to find Michael. Halloween does tension well by having things that it doesn't force you to notice but they are very creepy if you do.

It has some of the problems that many slasher movies have like the annoying teenage girls and the improbable(but cool) kills but I still love this movie. It doesn't overdo the gore, there is actually very little blood in this movie. It isn't a very scary movie but it does have some very tense scenes especially the final one. I would reccomend this movie to anyone who likes slasher movies or horror movies in general.                                                8/10 one of the most influential slasher movies ever made                  P.S this movie managed to make a William Shatner mask scary that has to count for something right?


Okay here is the big one after the big one that is slightly less big than the big one before this big one. This movie was directed by M.Night Shaymalan before the.....dark times. This is one of the most recognizable movies Shaymalan made and has created a catchphrase that even I am guilty of using "I see dead people". Bruce Willis, and Haley Joel Osment were both very, very good this movie and it was made by the man who made Mark Wahlberg bad. It also has a great atmosphere created by the man who made The Last Airbender. It ALSO has an amazing twist ending sort of unfortunately because it caused him to make more movies with twists that were getting worse and worse(the grass did it). The last decent movie that Shaymalan made was Devil and that was DECENT AT BEST. However he also made The Happening, and The Last Airbender. Watch this movie but I would recommend avoiding any other movie by Shaymalan except for Devil, signs, and maybe Unstoppable (I haven't seen it but I've heard good things). Don't let his other movies stop you from watching this movie because this movie is an amazing story with one of Shaymalans only good twists.                                 9.5/10 a good M.Night Shaymalan movie (SHOCK!!!)


Okay here is the big one before the big one, one of my favorite movies ever made. Psycho was directed by Alfred Hitchcock who I consider a god amongst men. This movie is about Marion Crane(Janet Leigh) who takes money that was given to her by her boss to deposit in the bank and runs. She gets caught in a storm and has to stop for the night at the Bates Motel(great show(the review is up now)) which is run by Norman Bates(Anthony Perkins)and His mother. They do not seem to have a very good relationship but Norman stays with her because she is very sick. Norman is a socially akward man who does taxidermy as a hobby so his animals are his few friends. Ok kind of spoiler alert here even though you probably know this since it is the most famous scene in a movie ever but.                   *Norman kills Marion in the shower then the movie turns into a mystery film about Marion's sister and a detective trying to figure out who killed her.*               This movie is amazing and is a movie that any film buff should see.     10/10 the best thriller I have ever seen.       Okay spoiler time click away right now if you have not seen this movie because you will be ruining one of the best twist endings ever written........ Everyone gone, okay so in the end we learn that Norman killed his mother because he felt shunned when she found a new boyfriend and begins to ignore Norman. He keeps her corpse in the basement and keeps the door locked so that no one can see what he has done. Here's where it gets really disturbing, Norman has a split personality with part of him being himself and part of him is his mother. Whenever he is attracted to a woman his mothers persona is awakened and he kills her because "she" doesn't want anything getting in the way of her and her son. This leads to one of the most haunting moments in movie history, when they have him in custody a fly lands on his hand and in his head in his mothers voice he thinks " It's sad, when a mother has to speak the words that condemn her own son. But I couldn't allow them to believe that I would commit murder. They'll put him away now, as I should have years ago. He was always bad, and in the end he intended to tell them I killed those girls and that man... as if I could do anything but just sit and stare, like one of his stuffed birds. They know I can't move a finger, and I won't. I'll just sit here and be quiet, just in case they do... suspect me. They're probably watching me. Well, let them. Let them see what kind of a person I am. I'm not even going to swat that fly. I hope they are watching... they'll see. They'll see and they'll know, and they'll say, "Why, she wouldn't even harm a fly...".(source IMDB) I love that quote almost as much as I love this movie and I think that anyone who has seen this movie will agree that it is a masterpiece of filmmaking.


The Ring is an American horror movie in the style of a Japanese horror movie about a woman who finds a VHS tape (a what?) that has horrifying images of a girl who drowned in a well, and then she gets a phone call in which a mysterious woman utters one of the most over quoted lines in horror movie history right next to "here's Johnny"; "seven days". She eventually realizes that this means that the malevolent spirit of the girl who died in the well is going to come and kill her in "seven days". This movie creates a very grim atmosphere by diluting all of the colors and showing characters dying to Samara and having no chance to actually stop her as Rachel(Naomi Watts)searches for the way to stop Samara from killing her in "seven days" (hey everyone else says of nonstop why shouldn't I(if it seems like I'm harping on this.......I am…but it's well deserved)). I love Asian horror movies they are always terrifying but this one didn't get to me nearly as much as other ones. This movie is also has a few jumpscares which just comes with the territory when making a horror movie but it diminishes it a bit for me. Overall though this movie is tense, terrifying, and kept me wondering right to the end whether Rachel would die, or stop Samara and live on to tell the tale.                                9.5/10 Terrifying


This movie is so very cool. It is my favorite vampire movie ever made. These aren't pretty boy Twilight vampires either, they're violent bloodthirsty monsters who like to party, and hang off of bridges. This movie is very, very 80s but that is just adding to the awesomeness. All of the characters dress up like they stole from Michael Jackson's wardrobe, and they are just as strange (R.I.P.). This movie is very entertaining andnear the end gets VERY VIOLENT! It is the best vampire movie ever made and it has a hilarious twist ending that you won't see coming until it walks up and sprays you with a holy water, onion juice combo from a Super Soaker(c)(don't have a real copyright thingamajigger)

10/10 The most 80s vampire movie ever.